FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) |
Can I use the software that comes with my Scanner?
Yes, many scanners (high-end and low-end) have their own software that scans directly to PDF files, placing them on the "Desktop", "My Documents", or custom folders. Rather than attempt to control and interact with the scanner, Digital ArcHound works with the existing scanner software by actively monitoring and copying the PDF output into the Digital ArcHound Workspace. This cooperative method allows the end user to decide when Digital ArcHound should be used for archiving documents
How do I set up DA Document Manager to work with my Scanner's Program?
Under the Tools/Settings menu, if you change the "Scanner Output" folder to the the folder that your Scanner Program writes PDFs to, Digital ArcHound will automatically add the new PDF to the Digital ArcHound Workspace area for archiving. If you check the "Auto-Move" check box, DA Document Manager will automatically remove the new PDF from your scanner's output folder after it has added to the Workspace.
Can I split a large PDF into a smaller page set for better archiving?
Yes. DA Document Manager supports splitting documents after you have scanned them into the DA Document Manager. Optionally, you can print individual page ranges to the Digital ArcHound PDF Digitizer printer. These printed subsets will automatically be available in the DA Document Manager workspace.
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